Discovered in 2008 by Hassan Saida, a Jordanian Bedouin, these tablets have stirred the polemic among the scholarly community because of their nature and content. Indeed, they could have been fakes, but they appear to date from within a few years of Jesus’ ministry, according to a series of tests conducted by Professor Roger Webb and Professor Chris Jeynes at the University of Surrey’s Nodus Laboratory from the Ion Beam Center. These tablets could therefore very well be the earliest and the only Hebrew-Christian documents in existence. Their content is also very controversial because it suggests Jesus did not try to develop a new religion, but rather that he was trying to restore a thousand-year-old tradition dating from King David – a tradition that understood God to have both male and female characteristics…
I predict scholars will get lost in conjectures, as they try to connect the dots between their current paradigm and this “new” Jesus; this masculine/feminine deity; and this “lost tradition” dating from King David. Meanwhile, the answer is already laid out in The Covenant, the book in which I explain how Judaism evolved out of the worship of Baal Berith (“Lord of Covenant” in Hebrew), a mortal overlord that was elevated to the rank of deity after his death. In this book, I also explain how, over time, this Israelite “deity” would have morphed with El, Baal (two masculine deities) and Astarte (a feminine deity) in order to form a new super deity: Yahweh. And given the political and theological struggles that took place shortly after the reign of King David, the Israelites would have been compelled to the refutation of their lesser gods and the abandonment of their old tradition. The religion of Yahweh would have adopted its final ontological concepts under Assyrian influence, in the aftermath of the Babylonian Exile.
What is remarquable with this discovery is that these tablets strengthen the hypothesis developed in The Covenant as much as the book validates their authenticity. Indeed, I do not believe anyone else could have accurately predicted that the original Yahweh would have had both male and female characteristics, and explain how this old tradition would have got lost shortly after King David’s reign…