Step off the beaten path of historical consensus and into a new paradigm where gods emerge from mortals and myths rise from secular events.
A thorough scholarly research for the evidence-oriented, a historical novel that intertwines fact with fiction for the story lovers, or a non-fiction comic for the visually inclined.
Are you ready to embark on a journey designed to expand your understanding and unveil hidden biases? Led by our groundbreaking research, you’re on the brink of exploring a reinterpreted history that could cast new light on our collective past, igniting a flame of hope for a peaceful tomorrow.

Culminating from two decades of meticulous research, our study leads you to a pivotal moment in history where the Great Hammurabi, aiming to dominate distant trade routes in Canaan, enters into a decisive agreement with a revered Habiru leader, known as Abram. This partnership, unforeseen in its era, initiates a path that would not only define their time but also alter the course of an entire civilization.
Imagine Sarah, whose story we thought we knew, as a lynchpin in an international saga. Could it be that Hammurabi, whose laws carved empires, also left his mark in the lineage of a people through Isaac?
Trace the steps of Isaac’s descendants as they honor and elevate this earthly couple to divinity. The ancient death cults went beyond simple ceremony— they safeguarded the spirits of the deceased, a key factor in securing inheritance rights and strengthening their bond with the promised land.
Over time, this couple came to be known as Beliya/Baal Yah and A(luf) Sarah/Asherah, central figures in the divine council, that will eventually merge into a singular deity that would be known as ‘Yahweh.’
Seems far stretched and unbelievable? You’ll soon discover that our biases have become so entrenched, we’ve lost the ability to see the words right in front of us as they truly are.

Welcome, and thank you for stopping by! I hope you will find it interesting and that you will feel compelled to engage!
I am always leery of labels, but I would best describe myself as a secular humanist with an engineering degree from École de Technologie Supérieure.
While I was raised to be skeptical and to always exercise a critical mind, I have never considered myself a hardcore atheist. I believe spiritual development is a fundamental part of our journey and I have always enjoyed reading the stories of the Bible. However, the Scriptures never made sense to me. Something just didn’t jive.
In 2003, a simple question triggered a lengthy and passionate investigation into the origin of the Abrahamic faith. It was quite un accident de parcours…
This led me to sign up for a Master in Theology at Université de Montréal in 2011, where I studied biblical Hebrew, historico-critical methods and narrative analysis. Armed with this new academic background, I widened the scope of my analysis to develop a comprehensive evolutionary model on the origin of monotheism.
This whole research has had a profound impact on my own spiritual journey. It has not only brought me to completely reconsider my own beliefs and the role of religions, but it has also led me to explore and better understand spirituality in a broader sense. Indeed, what’s left when everything else collapses?

After a period of uncertainty, I am now more than ever convinced that the sky is brighter and the future full of hope. This is why I would like the expression “Friends of the Earthly Covenants” to evolve into a broad and inclusive secular alliance regrouping all men and women that are seeking a gratifying spiritual journey that is intellectually satisfying and exempt of any beliefs or dogma.
NB – I am first and foremost a business entrepreneur in the field of high-performance video storage for film and post-production and this research project is just a part time endeavor. My priorities naturally go to my family and business. And although I have completed my academic cursus in Biblical Studies and submitted my thesis, my retiring director wasn’t ready to see his entire belief system get challenged on his way out… As I wasn’t prepared to prostitute my intellect for a diploma, I refocused my energies on this book instead.