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Quiproquo sur Dieu (French version)

Author:Ben F. Collin
(20 customer reviews)


French version – Mais qui était donc le Seigneur d’Abraham? Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans reconnaissent dans l’Alliance qu’Abraham conclut avec ce seigneur l’episode fondateur des trois grandes religions monothéistes. Cette Alliance incarne le symbole de la recompense et de la miséricorde de Dieu en échange d’une foi exclusive, absolue et inébranlable. Mais en lui reconnaissant d’emblée une nature divine, ne faisons-nous pas preuve de complaisance intellectuelle? C’est en se transportant a l’age du Bronze moyen ou les notions de dieu et de demi-dieu étaient des concepts encore flous que l’auteur nous convie a une relecture fascinante des écrits de la Genèse. Tout en perçant un mystère vieux de 3 500 ans, le cheminement qu’il propose fait redécouvrir une oeuvre que l’on croyait pourtant bien connaitre. Athées, agnostiques, croyants : personne ne restera indifferent a ces revelations surprenantes qui militent en faveur de la reconciliation des hommes et des femmes de bonne volonté.

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Online Book, Paper Book


Historical Essay



Number of Pages




Year of Publishing



French version – Mais qui était donc le Seigneur d’Abraham? Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans reconnaissent dans l’Alliance qu’Abraham conclut avec ce seigneur l’episode fondateur des trois grandes religions monothéistes. Cette Alliance incarne le symbole de la recompense et de la miséricorde de Dieu en échange d’une foi exclusive, absolue et inébranlable. Mais en lui reconnaissant d’emblée une nature divine, ne faisons-nous pas preuve de complaisance intellectuelle? C’est en se transportant a l’age du Bronze moyen ou les notions de dieu et de demi-dieu étaient des concepts encore flous que l’auteur nous convie a une relecture fascinante des écrits de la Genèse. Tout en perçant un mystère vieux de 3 500 ans, le cheminement qu’il propose fait redécouvrir une oeuvre que l’on croyait pourtant bien connaitre. Athées, agnostiques, croyants : personne ne restera indifferent a ces revelations surprenantes qui militent en faveur de la reconciliation des hommes et des femmes de bonne volonté.

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20 reviews for Quiproquo sur Dieu (French version)

  1. André Serra, Publisher

    With an inflexible rigor of analysis, its careful research led him to hypothesize what may very well prove difficult to challenge, and that will most likely change the beliefs of a large number of followers still attached to the three religions “book” in the coming years. I cannot better compare this researcher with Darwin, revealing “The Origin of Species”, or even to Galileo, reversing the roles of the sun and the earth. Both long disputed, due to ideas that seemed delusional to their contemporaries, have helped human kind make unprecedented steps on the path of knowledge.

  2. Andréa Richard, Author

    Unravel biblical and historical inconsistencies!
    This historical essay has the merit of “unraveling” biblical and historical inconsistencies. The logic is striking and I think is genius! It is factual, it is consistent. In addition, it’s a new discovery. This book will surely arouse great interest amid scholars, among others, historians, theologians and all those interested in the Bible. The current Pope has appealed to all Christians to read the Bible: the moment is therefore appropriate. We had felt into mystery, we now get back on earth as we feel we are approaching truth … – Author of Femme après le cloître and Aù delà de la religion.

  3. Michel Virard, Les Sceptiques du Québec

    Much more interesting than the classical theological version.
    Lamborelle finally gives us a stream of arguments to prove that the Yahweh of the Bible is none other than a single character, already known to all: Hammurabi, the Babylonian king who gave us the famous code of 282 laws. The saga of Hammurabi, Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac, revised and corrected by Lamborelle, is a scenario worthy of a Hollywood movie and, I would add, much more interesting than the classical theological version. … To discover a very plausible “sense” to a story that, taken literally, does not hold water, makes all the enjoyment of this “off the beaten path” reading.

  4. Valéda Melanson-Osmani

    Very Interesting !
    This book twists the knife in the beliefs. Very very interesting. It may take time to establish itself, but it will be popular for a long time. In ten, twenty, and thirty years, as part of the studied curriculum, they will look it up as a reference. I loved how he explained everything. It is a scientific work that required a lot of research.

  5. Marcel Bruneau

    Brilliant historical essay!
    A fascinating and amazing book! This brilliant historical essay, conducted as a survey and told as an adventure, presents a surprising hypothesis that challenges the traditional interpretation of the Genesis account. The new perspective offered by the author has stimulated my curiosity and my desire to understand.

  6. Jean Lafontaine

    Discover the truth !
    It is difficult to determine the truth after 3,800 years, but your hard and methodical work is much more compelling than the “clerical” version. We should apply the same objective approach to all elements of the faith. But believers do not seek truth, they seek complacency for better reassurance. Bravo!

  7. Tanguy Verraes

    A highly relevant analysis.
    For those interested in the origin (and history) of religions as I am (albeit on a very small scale). I recommend you read Quiproquo sur Dieu by Bernard Lamborelle. A highly relevant analysis and reading of the Bible that puts it in a new light. Anyway, I love it, and this confirms what I have always thought that the Bible is nothing but a book that traces the history of a people and a region … which extends from the Nile to the Euphrates. It is clear that this book probably does not appeal to practitioners of the three most widespread monotheistic religions on Earth. Finally, information warfare and manipulation of information are not only contemporary concerns, but exists since man communicates.

  8. Jean Christian

    Amazing !
    I finished reading your book once and I’m speechless, first by the huge research effort carried out, and by the overlapping of different elements to conclude that Abraham was a governor… if this is correct… what an impact! … It’s really amazing to be able to come to such conclusions thousands of years later… and the patriarchs are first and foremost a book on geopolitics.

  9. Gérard Laurençon

    Captivating !
    I was rarely in my life so captivated by a book, as I was by the thesis developed by Mr. Lamborelle. The arguments are substantiated, solid, indisputable. I buy into it completely, but a second (third…) reading is absolutely necessary to absorb this amount of scholarship. BRAVO and (that’s personal) THANK YOU!

  10. Alain Delhaise

    It is very convincing.
    First, I think I could not have read it otherwise than in one shot! I dove into chapters like it was a detective story, given I am not a specialist on the topic. I was hooked and waited for the elements to gradually come together during the investigation, which led to the presentation of a perfectly constructed theory that supports it. I admit, without being a specialist, it is very convincing. It makes me want to go further and return to visit the Louvre with a different look. Thank you for the good time and congratulations for this great historical and scientific work.

  11. Patrick Rousselle

    Courageous book !!
    Very interesting book: beautiful holistic demonstration, logical, rational and verifiable on Abraham patriarch, Egyptian lord rather than prophet of God, which therefore questions the existence of this monotheistic god, father of Jewish, Islamic and Catholic religions; beautiful challenge to the promised land. What a pity that this land, now so coveted, is the cause of this 3rd world war and tearing apart of its people! But what can one do against beliefs? Therefore thank you for this courageous book, which undermines the existence of God.

  12. Normand Rousseau, M.A. – Author

    I admired the ease with which you navigate the chronologies of Babylon, Egypt and the Bible. Your assumption is troubling. If the Lord of Abraham is king Hammurabi then the whole foundation of the Bible is questioned. In short, your book is essential and I wonder why the media do not make mention of it. Author of La Bible Immorale, Quebec

  13. Uparathi, Planet Québec

    A very pleasant proofreading that sounds surprisingly fair! … In a strong language, Mr. Lamborelle raises more than interesting questions. The links are intelligent and the assumptions plausible. The book is researched and scholar.

  14. Mario Landerman, Zone Culture

    A book that goes in the direction of any intelligent reading of the Bible… Many historical and biblical arguments come to light when establishing a connection between Abraham and Hammurabi, including the real reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the paternity of Isaac. A fascinating journey awaits the reader who will take the time to read this historical essay and consult some of the works mentioned in the bibliography.

  15. Bernard Courteau

    A work of reference!
    You have not heard from me since I’ve started reading, and for good reason: I was transported. Your book is like an Aladdin’s carpet! Profound scholarship, implacable logic, impeccable methodology, accessible writing and exemplary presentation and teaching, in short, a work of reference. I know of only one other book which rises to the height of your work and it is entitled “The Elementary Forms of Religious Life” published by Emile Durkheim in 1912. These are points of absolute reference… I did not want my comments to be “hits censers” but I simply want to bring the strict perception I have of your book in light of my experience, my education and my thoughts. Thus, for me, the comparison with Durkheim is needed not only on the rigorousness of your respective approaches but also under the silence that church authorities wrapped the first one, and will wrap the second.

  16. Richard Lefrançois

    I would place this book in the category of excellent historical essays!
    As a sociologist and methodologist in social research, I read during my career a number of research reports, scientific papers, theses and other writings, which allowed me to sharpen my critical senses to separate “the wheat from the chaff.” Without a shadow of a doubt, I would place this book in the category of excellent historical essays… All in all, it is admirable that an engineer, uninitiated “academically” on the historical methods, but passionate for history, skilled in research and good at manipulating the pen, had the courage to undertake and carry to term such a colossal project to re-examine the story of the Patriarchs. In addition, to find that the result is convincing, is impressive! This is definitely a book to read and reread to fully absorb all its richness.

  17. Jacques Godbout, L’Actualité

    I read with great interest your demonstration and it is convincing. I think you’re right, there was confusion at the time between the gods and kings. Your text is clear and well written. Unfortunately this is a scholarly book, which I cannot account in l’Actualité where I have to place myself at a public level. It is also a thesis that will shock and little media will dare to allude to it. Do not be discouraged, this kind of work takes time before circulating properly. And then, in the end, to have made this discovery was worth the time you put into it. Congratulations on your intuition and infinite patience.

  18. Corinne Laberge, Cités Nouvelles

    From an objective and rational nature, convinced that everything can be explained, Mr. Lamborelle favored the scientific method in the construction of his argument. And to pinpoint the truth, the engineer has made a point of leaving absolutely nothing to chance. … By converting these dates from the sexagesimal system used by the Babylonians at the time, he manages to draw a parallel with surprising accuracy between historical events and those cited the Scriptures.

  19. Guy Rochon

    Bernard Lamborelle has made an outstanding contribution to this process by demonstrating how one can­ establish a historical connection between the central pillar of the most significant myths that have influenced the Western world, the God of Abraham and very real characters that have allowed the emergence of these mythologies. Thank you Bernard Lamborelle. Thank you from my heart for the hope that this work really brings.

  20. Julie Mercier

    It was time for the Bible to be read with a different look!
    I liked your theory about Abraham and his “lord”. The theory is well built and brings new light on the Bible. … To defend such a perspective, especially coming from someone who comes from a completely different background, arouses much admiration. You have met the challenge brilliantly. It was time for the Bible to be read with a different look. For my part, I compare the Bible to Homer’s Odyssey. It’s an assemblage of legendary stories that helped shape the world. In Homer’s Odyssey, one finds the beauty and cruelty of Greek myths that have shaped the values of Greek civilization. I believe that all myths contain some truth. Just like Troy, ancient Trojan town that has seen many wars and was magnified by Homer. But that would most likely have now known the war as told by Homer. For a banal story passes through time, it takes a little magic, something special for people to bear interest, hence the hidden side of Abraham’s “lord”.

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