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“The Covenant” on The Right To Reason podcast

I am very excited to be featured on The Right To Reason podcast Episode #54! The recording took place a few weeks ago, but was  released today. Robert Stanley (@righttoreason1) has a great sense of humor, and it was real fun to be on the show.

However, OMG, I sound like I am on an overdose of caffeine! I definitely need to remind myself to slow down and breathe next time around! Robert was extremely gracious, as I kept interrupting him… Listen to this episode to learn more about my work, and the importance of furthering our knowledge on the origin of the origin of the Abrahamic religions.

By demythifying the origin and the evolution of the faith, we can show that the Bible does have a secular origin. The idea is not to refute the existence of a divine power, but to challenge fundamentalists in their interpretation and meaning they give their Sacred books.

What’s next?

Make sure to tune in to The Non Sequitur Show Youtube channel this coming Wednesday May 16th at 8PM EST for a live event. There is always a lively chat where you can discuss with other listeners and post your questions. Mark your calendars!

1 Comment

  • Richard Arsic
    Posted May 13, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    Listening to your interview with Robert Stanley! Wow! I love it!
    Great work!
    Proud of you!

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